Saturday 31 May 2014

About Me

Thank you for visiting my blog! First and foremost, I am mum to five fabulous kids who rock my world and fill me with pride and joy every single day.  After suffering from illness, I became fully qualified as a Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist following 3 very challenging but enjoyable years, studying for my Diploma with the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Galway, Ireland.

I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2011, following more than a year of debilitating fatigue, insomnia, digestive problems, anxiety and a myriad of other nasty symptoms which left me unable to work and incapable of minding my kids and taking part in a normal family life. I was very scared, down and depressed and left facing into a black hole of expensive daily medications. According to my doctor, I had no prospects for recovery. Since that first visit to my doctor when my symptoms started, it was clear that they had no answers to the questions I was asking about what was happening to my body, and no idea how to treat me other than prescribe anti-depressants, pain killers, anti-anxiety meds and laxatives! I didn’t want to manage my symptoms, I wanted to be cured! I was beyond frustrated. With a large young family (my eldest was 8!), I refused to accept that I could only ever manage my symptoms with medication and that my health and quality of life would not improve.

It was then that I embarked on a mission to educate myself about my illness and do all I could holistically to support myself back to wellness.  Acupuncture was (and still is) absolutely fantastic and I found cognitive behavioral therapy to be extremely helpful at the beginning of my journey.  Meditating, giving myself Reiki and growing veg in my garden are activities that have always helped my to unwind, de-stress and relax. I have also enjoyed listening to lectures and reading books by amazing and inspiring people like Dr Wayne Dyer, Caroline Myss, Louise Hay and Deepak Chopra.  All these things have helped me to look at my life from a different perspective and this has certainly been a very powerful tool that has contributed to my healing. However, despite all this, the most amazing change in my health occurred when I started to pay attention to nutrition and the food I was eating.

I felt instinctively that I had found my calling and within weeks of my diagnosis - and with the blessing and support of my family - I researched how I could learn more about Nutritional Therapy and signed up for the course. I learned more in those three years than I could ever imagined about how the food we eat affects how our bodies work. I am constantly in awe of how the body works to keep us well every second of every day and hardly a day goes by that I am not inspired to continue to study and learn as much as I can about it. Nutrition is my passion! It is my belief that given the right nutrition and environment, the body is capable of healing itself from and preventing all illness. Fast forward six years and my life couldn't be better and bares no resemblance to what it was like back then.  Lifestyle change is challenging and I would be a liar to say I haven’t struggled or taken backward steps along the way but that's all been part of my recovery!  Through my blog, facebook page and Practice, I intend to pass on my knowledge, educate people and offer my support - be they healthy or suffering from illness - so that they can take control of their bodies, begin to feel better and live healthier lives.